PT Inquest Episode 71: High Ankle Sprains

When dealing with a high ankle sprain (syndesmosis injury) Grade I never requires surgery whereas Grade III always requires surgery. But what about Grade II? In this episode we explore predictors of syndesmotic instability when assessing a Grade II sprain and the return to sport prognoses. All this while JW approaches absolute zero!
Stable Versus Unstable Grade II High Ankle Sprains: A Prospective Study Predicting the Need for Surgical Stabilization and Time to Return to Sports.
Calder JD, Bamford R, Petrie A, McCollum GA.
Arthroscopy. 2015 Dec 22. pii: S0749-8063(15)00813-0. doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2015.10.003. [Epub ahead of print]
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Music for PT Inquest:
“The Science of Selling Yourself Short” by Less Than Jake
Used by Permission
Photo credit: “Phicen Ankle Cup Mod” by Edward Liu via Flickr.
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