PT Inquest Episode 162: PRP vs Placebo for Patellar Tendinopathy

In previous episodes we have talked about many issues around biologics research. This article takes an honest look at PRP for patellar tendinopathy by including two different preparations AND a placebo group. How did it turn out? Not so well for PRP…
Platelet-Rich Plasma for Patellar Tendinopathy: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Leukocyte-Rich PRP or Leukocyte-Poor PRP Versus Saline.
Scott A, LaPrade RF, Harmon KG, Filardo G, Kon E, Della Villa S, Bahr R, Moksnes H, Torgalsen T, Lee J, Dragoo JL, Engebretsen L.
Am J Sports Med. 2019 Apr 30:363546519837954. doi: 10.1177/0363546519837954. [Epub ahead of print]
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Produced by:
Matt Hunter
Music for PT Inquest:
“The Science of Selling Yourself Short” by Less Than Jake
Used by Permission