PT Inquest Episode 191: Screening for Depression

Clinical depression is a very real part of many of our patients’ lives. As a matter of fact, our current understanding of many commonly treated PT diagnoses suggests that clinical depression may be a huge driver of symptoms. How do we identify it in our patients? Assuming we can do that, what do we do about it once we identify it?
Using the 9-Item Patient Health Questionnaire to Screen for and Monitor Depression.
Zimmerman M.
JAMA Insights. Published online October 18, 2019. doi:
The other article that we mentioned:
Screening for symptoms of depression by physical therapists managing low back pain.
Haggman S, Maher CG, Refshauge KM.
Phys Ther. 2004 Dec;84(12):1157-66. doi: 10.1093/ptj/84.12.1157.
Due to copyright laws, unless the article is open source we cannot legally post the PDF on the website for the world to download at will. That said, if you are having difficulty obtaining an article, contact us.
Produced by:
Matt Hunter
Music for PT Inquest:
“The Science of Selling Yourself Short” by Less Than Jake
Used by Permission