PT Inquest Episode 108: Postural Control and ACL Injury Risk
Can someone do poorly on static balance tests and NOT be an ACL injury risk? I mean, if they’re having a hard time there they MUST be having issues during sport, right? Can poor...
Can someone do poorly on static balance tests and NOT be an ACL injury risk? I mean, if they’re having a hard time there they MUST be having issues during sport, right? Can poor...
WE ARE BACK FROM BREAK and bringing with us some biologics! When talking biologics like PRP and “stem cells” sloppy research abounds. This reality isn’t really fair to anyone trying to find a deeper...
We all love evidence-based medicine (EBM) with its three pillars and levels of evidence and science-sounding stuff. But why do we even have it? And does it mean what we think it means? 25...
Meniscal repairs are notorious for having a mix of opinions regarding postoperative precautions. Should we be restricting weight bearing? Range of motion? Both? Neither? Does any of it matter? Why or why not? Wait...
The prevalence of low-value healthcare is a huge burden on the global healthcare system. Sure, unnecessary care drives up costs and diverts scarce resources away from where they could provide more overall societal benefit,...
One of the most dreaded perceived complications after shoulder surgery is the development of developing frozen shoulder. Can we spot those who are at increased risk? If we can, is there anything we can...
I know my treatment doesn’t work across a large population but what about subgroups?! Ah yes. Subgroups. Subgroups are absolutely a thing but how do we go about defining them? Do we just track...
The quad index (side to side strength comparison of the quadriceps) is one of the best known correlations to knee function, but can you test it accurately in the clinic? Do you need an...
It is a landmark episode for PT Inquest – the century mark! No article to review but the guys look back on some of our listeners’ favorite episodes and topics from over the years....
We got 99 episodes but a bad one ain’t…one! That didn’t work. Dammit. Anyway, this episode takes another look at whether or not early range of motion after rotator cuff repair makes a difference...